Dorothy Silverstein Scholarship

YWCA Elgin will present two (2) $2,000 scholarships to adult females 21 years of age or older residing in Elgin, IL, who will be pursuing a higher education. Higher education can include a college degree, certificate program, or trade school. Applicants will be required to show proof of enrollment.

The 2025 Scholarship applications were due by March 6, 2025. The Dorothy Silverstein Scholarship Judges are currently reviewing the applications. The scholarship recipient will be announced by April 5, 2025.

*When stating female, the YWCA Elgin refers to anyone who identifies as female.

About Dorothy Silverstein

Dorothy was born November 23, 1917, in Peabody, Massachusetts, to Polish/Russian immigrants. Dorothy was a sickly child who had tuberculosis, among other serious ailments. Dorothy missed a great deal of school but nevertheless graduated as Class Valedictorian from Peabody High School in 1936. Dorothy was able to attend Radcliffe College (now Harvard University) due to the generosity of a scholarship from the Peabody Women’s Club. She went on to have a successful career in banking at the Irving Trust Company (now Bank of New York), overcoming sexism, anti-Semitism, and resentment by some of her academic credentials. At the Irving, Dorothy became a mentor to many and a legend to all. Education and professional fulfillment were of utmost importance to her, and she encouraged all who came into her life to keep reaching for the next step.

Dorothy Blanche Silverstein passed away peacefully at home on March 25, 2022, at 104.