One World

Auction & Celebration

Join us for an unforgettable evening at the YWCA Elgin’s “One World” Auction. This event is supported by Presenting Sponsor The Haight. The auction will be held at The Haight in downtown Elgin on Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm. It will feature live auctions, entertainment, themed small bites, and a cash bar. The proceeds will benefit the YWCA Elgin’s educational programs.

The YWCA Elgin is a nonprofit organization striving to break the cycle of poverty through educational programming that empowers our most vulnerable community members. From toddlers to adults, program participants receive the added advantage of guidance and encouragement to help them achieve their goals.

Individual reservations are $45 for YW Members and $50 for Non-Members. Please register by Thursday, October 10th.

Reserve your seat today or become a sponsor! Sponsorship information can be found below.


The Annual Auction is one of the YWCA Elgin’s primary fundraising events. Funds from the event are used to develop and expand programming and advocacies for women and families’ economic self-sufficiency with a clear commitment to the elimination of racism and the empowerment of women.

Click here for more information about sponsorship levels.