Register to Vote
How to Register to Vote
1. Find Out if You’re Eligible to Vote in Illinois
To qualify for voter registration in Illinois, you must be all of the following:
Be a United States citizen
Be at least 18 years old (some 17-year-olds may vote in the general Primary, Consolidated Primary, or Caucus)
Live in your election precinct at least 30 days
Not be convicted and incarcerated - but persons who have completed their sentences and who meet all other requirements listed above are eligible to register and vote in Illinois
Not claim the right to vote anywhere else
2. Find Your Registration Deadline
Regular registration is open year-round except during the 27-day period just prior to an election, 16 days prior to the election for online registration, and during the 2-day period after each election (1 day after in Chicago). Grace period registration is an extension of the regular registration deadline from the 27th day prior to an election through Election Day. Grace period registration is only available “in-person” at sites authorized by each election authority.
3. Check to See if You’re Registered
If you think you’re already registered but aren’t sure, you can check your status.
Important Note: If your name, political party affiliation, or residential address changes (even if it is still in Illinois), you can update it by clicking here.
4. Register to Vote Online, by Mail, or in Person
Register Online
It takes two minutes to register to vote online. To register online, you will need an Illinois Driver’s License or State ID number, the date the license or ID was issued, the last four digits of your social security number, and your birth date.
Online registration deadline: 16 days before Election Day
Register by Mail
To register by mail, download and complete (include sufficient proof of identity*) the lllinois Voter Registration and Application form. Then, mail or deliver this application to your County Clerk or Board of Election Commissioners no later than 28 days before the next election. (Click here for the Count Cleark/Election Board listings)
*To register by mail, sufficient proof of identity is fulfilled by submitting your driver's license or state identification card number. If you do not have a driver’s license, State Identification Card, or social security number, and your voter registration application is submitted by mail, and you have never registered to vote in the jurisdiction you are now registering in, then you must send, with this application, either (i)a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or (ii) a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter. If you do not provide the information required above, then you will be required to provide election officials with either (i)or (ii) described.
Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked 28 days before Election Day
Register in Person
To register in person, visit the office of an election authority, the County Clerk's Office, the Board of Elections Office, City and Village Halls, Township Offices, Driver's License Facilities, or with a local deputy registrar for your jurisdiction. For more information about deputy registrars, click here.
In person voter registration requires two forms of ID, one of which must list your current address. The following are acceptable: Passport or Military ID; Driver's License or State ID card; College/University/School/Work ID; Vehicle registration card; Lease, mortgage, or deed to home; Credit or debit card; Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid card; Insurance card; Civic, union, or professional membership card; LINK/Public Aid/Department of Human Services card; Illinois FOID card; and/or Mail of the following types addressed to you: bill, transcript, school report card, bank statement, pay stub, pension statement, utility bill, medical bill, or insurance bill, official mail from and government agency.
In person registration deadline: Available up to and including on Election Day
5. Find Your Next Opportunity to Vote
Now that you’re registered, you can stay informed about upcoming election dates by visiting the IL State Board of Elections website. Illinois’s 2024 elections are:
TBA: First day to apply for a vote by mail ballot.
September 26, 2024: First day to vote early at the office of the election authority.
First day for the election authority to mail an official ballot to registered voters within the United States.
October 8, 2024: Last day for regular (paper) voter registration.
October 9–November 5, 2024: Grace period registration and voting at election authority and polling sites.
October 20, 2024: Last day for online voter registration. Grace period registration is available at election authority and early voting sites.
TBA: First day to vote early at permanent polling places.
October 31, 2024: Last day for election authority to receive vote by mail applications.
November 4, 2024: Last day for early voting.
November 5, 2024: General Election Day! Polls open from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.